Friday, June 28, 2013

Buhbye Google-reader, Hello Bloglovin'

As I'm sure all of you know Google-reader closes in just a couple days. It's the sad truth. And it completely sucks (in my opinion) that all my favorite blogs won't be at the same place that I write my blog posts. But either way! Don't lose touch with my posts or all your other favorite blogs!!

If you haven't already head over to Bloglovin' and make an account. It's a easy and efficient feed of all the blogs that you follow and love. If you want you can click here and have all your blogs from Google-reader onto your bloglovin'. That way you don't have to refollow all the blogs you already have. It even has it's own cute little app! That way you never lose touch. 

Stay in touch
If you'd like to stay in touch completely feel free to follow me everywhere else!
Bloglovin' {here}, Facebook {here}, Tumblr {here}, Twitter {here}, Pinterest {here}

See you on the flip side! 

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