Late Night Thoughts- Vol. 1
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- I want another tattoo!!
- I already plan on getting Madalyn's birthday in roman numerals, but that one can wait for now since I don't know the exact placement.
- I want a little fox tattoo.
- I think I represent a fox perfectly
- Description of a fox:
- wise
- noble messenger
- strategic
- clever
- adaptable
- passionate
- desire
- intensity
- trickster
- I think I want him on my ribs or my side
- Or maybe by the tattoo I have on my hip…
- Not 100% sure yet, but I'm getting there.
- I had my first college class of this semester today.
- It was awesome because we actually got to use clay and such today
- I like that I'm taking mostly art classes this semester
- I really need to focus on my creativity and becoming stress free
- I'm excited to make stuff though
- My apartment could use homemade pottery
- I start my Printmaking class tomorrow
- I'm excited and anxious to see how that turns out
- Madalyn was pretty rotten today
- We made a hilarious video earlier though :D
- Click here to watch it. :3
- I thought about him only a few times today
- That's a lot less than normal
- So I guess that means I'm starting to get over it
- I need to be my own personal cheerleader when it comes to heartbreak
- I don't deal with it easily
- I wrote a poem today and put it on tumblr
- …people actually reblogged it

- am I a writer yet?
- This is a long list of thoughts
- Longer than the last time I wrote in my journal…
- I guess that means my brain is becoming functional again and not just a sad clump of meh.
- Yippie for my brain and my feelings!
- Whew, time to watch Pretty Little Liars.
- Screw the cable guy for not coming to set it up yet.
- I need my cookies and cream ice cream…
- okay, now I can watch Pretty Little Liars.
Such a nice flow of thoughts. I think every girl on earth does the same. Non-stop thinking. It is interesting.
ReplyDeleteThank you! And I think you're right, girls tend to think non-stop. sometimes it helps me when I write it all out, instead of letting my mind wonder for countless hours.