Friday, August 30, 2013

Madalyn's Summer Lookbook

I did a lookbook for Madalyn back in the beginning of spring, and it's actually gotten a lot of view. What can I say, my two (almost three) year old dresses better than I do! But that's what us mommies take pride in right? So I figured, why not do another one? And show off some of her summer outfits. :)

This is Madalyn's "Beach Babe" outfit, as I like to call it. 
What she's wearing:
Shirt: Boys department in Target
Shorts: Oldnavy
Flipflops: Roxy

What she's wearing:
Dress: Thrifted
Boots: Thrifted

What she's wearing:
Dress: Maxi dress from Target
Belt: American Eagle 

What she's wearing:
Shirt: Target
Shorts: Target
Headband: Target

What she's wearing:
Shirt: Boys department in Target
Pants: Leggings from H&M Kids
Shoes: Yellow Hunter boots

What she's wearing:
Hat: Target
Shirt: Target
Skirt: Target
Shoes: Target

I love getting complimented on how adore Madalyn is dressed all the time. Once you have a baby it becomes less about you and more about your child, and I love getting compliments about her. It's a very prideful feeling. Which outfit did you like best?!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Late Night Thoughts- Vol. 1

Image found on Tumblr

  • I want another tattoo!!
  • I already plan on getting Madalyn's birthday in roman numerals, but that one can wait for now since I don't know the exact placement.
  • I want a little fox tattoo.
  • I think I represent a fox perfectly
  • Description of a fox:
    • wise
    • noble messenger
    • strategic
    • clever
    • adaptable
    • passionate
    • desire
    • intensity
    • trickster
  • I think I want him on my ribs or my side
  • Or maybe by the tattoo I have on my hip…
  • Not 100% sure yet, but I'm getting there.
  • I had my first college class of this semester today.
  • It was awesome because we actually got to use clay and such today
  • I like that I'm taking mostly art classes this semester
  • I really need to focus on my creativity and becoming stress free
  • I'm excited to make stuff though
  • My apartment could use homemade pottery
  • I start my Printmaking class tomorrow
  • I'm excited and anxious to see how that turns out
  • Madalyn was pretty rotten today
  • We made a hilarious video earlier though :D
  • Click here to watch it. :3
  • I thought about him only a few times today
  • That's a lot less than normal
  • So I guess that means I'm starting to get over it
  • I need to be my own personal cheerleader when it comes to heartbreak
  • I don't deal with it easily
  • I wrote a poem today and put it on tumblr
  • …people actually reblogged it

  • am I a writer yet?
  • This is a long list of thoughts
  • Longer than the last time I wrote in my journal…
  • I guess that means my brain is becoming functional again and not just a sad clump of meh. 
  • Yippie for my brain and my feelings!
  • Whew, time to watch Pretty Little Liars.
  • Screw the cable guy for not coming to set it up yet. 
  • I need my cookies and cream ice cream…
  • okay, now I can watch Pretty Little Liars.

Love & Misadventure

I wanted to share with y'all a book that I've stumbled across and absolutely love. Love & Misadventure by Lang Leav. This book is full of poems and stories about love, life, and hardships that can take place. Only having this book for a short amount of time, I've already fallen deeply in love with it. When the words rein completely true to my heart, it's hard for me to ignore.

This particular passage has touched me the most, and has completely opened my eyes. It relates so much with what I've been going through in my personal love life. And even though I still want to hold on, I still want to fight for it, sometimes you just have to let it be. As much as it hurts us.

"One day you meet someone and for some inexplicable reason, you feel more connected to this stranger than anyone else—closer to them than your closest family. Perhaps this person carries within them an angel—one sent to you for some higher purpose; to teach you an important lesson or to keep you safe during a perilous time. What you must do is trust in them—even if they come hand in hand with pain or suffering—the reason for their presence will become clear in due time.

Though here is a word of warning—you may grow to love this person but remember they are not yours to keep. Their purpose isn’t to save you but to show you how to save yourself. And once this is fulfilled; the halo lifts and the angel leaves their body as the person exits your life. They will be a stranger to you once more."

Monday, August 26, 2013

Step Forward.

It's super excited for me to say that I'm back and in full swing again!! The hospital visits have been shorter, and I officially moved out of that crappy living situation that I was in. Madalyn and I are starting to settle into our cozy little apartment. All the furniture hasn't arrived yet, but for the most part, we're set up and ready to go! 

With classes starting back up tomorrow for me, and Madalyn's big third birthday coming up the weekend after, I have a lot of planning to do. But if you know me, or are an active reader, you know how much that thrills me. :)

One thing I did want to write about today was categorizing blogs. Who cares if you're a "Beauty blog", "Fashion blog", "DIY blog", "Food blog"?! I say…Blog about what ever you want, whenever you want. And I've been making sure to do that for myself. If I'd like to blog about my beauty products, then that's what I'll do. If I want to blog about cooking or planning, I'll do that too. Being a mommy lets you put your foot in a lot of doors that can be blogged about, and I like sharing them with all of you. 

So prepare yourself bloggers for a variety of blogposts that are going to be coming your way! ;)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Why I've been missing,

So I've been in and out of the hospital for the past couple days. I've had kidney problems since I was a child, and now apparently I have a cyst on each one of my ovaries, and I have IBS. Which is irritable bowel syndrome that is a stress disorder that makes your colon have spazz attacks. So needless to say that I haven't felt "on point" in my life. Not to mention at the same time, I've been going through a huge heartbreak, family issues and trying to change my living situation.

No one ever said this life was easy, but it's worth it. And I feel myself fighting for everything lately. Fighting for love to last. Fighting to stay healthy. Fighting to stay strong for my daughter. It's tough. So hopefully I'll be back shortly. Hopefully starting off with apartment decorating tips, if my application goes through for me to move. Hopefully.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday everyone!! I hope your Friday is going or going to be better than mine. I'm currently attached to my bed for being ill. I have like 5 things wrong with me at once. I have two cysts, kidney problems, and some kind of stress disorder. It's been nothing but hospitals and medicine for me the past couple days. I even had to pass up going to the zoo with my family today. But no matter, It's Friday!! 

I figured it's a great day to do a "Currently" post. 

Working on: Expanding my business by creating new cute little products to sell for y'all.

Lately I've been feeling like greeting cards {while I love them, and still will continue to make them} are not exactly what I want to be known for, I've been coming up with fun great ideas to add to my etsy shop. Also because my style is similar to other shops {like you can really do so much with greeting cards? I didn't even know you exist, so no I didn't copy you.} I'm going to be true to myself and try to branch out a little more. 

Listening to: Clarity- Zedd (ft. Foxes)

I've been completely obsessed with this song for like a week now. It's been on repeat and blasting through my record player speakers. Just the lyrics alone are amazing and completely relatable, and the beat makes it so much better. 

Drinking: blk water {lots and lots of h20}

I have dehydration problems and I know I need to drink a lot of water all the time. I love the blk water. It's alkaline fulvic trace mineral infused water to make the color of the water black. I just like it, kay. 

Excited for: Looking for a place to move out to and decorate. 

With my health the way it is, I have to stay where I currently am for a bit longer. Also the fact that I'm so stressed out all the time is making me ill, I realized I need to do what I've wanted to do since I got here, even if it is only for a short period of time. So I've been looking around for little apartments for Madalyn and I. And if you know me, I'm going to be decorating that place up as soon as I move in! And I love thrift shopping, so I'm really kinda pumped to get started.