Friday, August 2, 2013

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday everyone!! I hope your Friday is going or going to be better than mine. I'm currently attached to my bed for being ill. I have like 5 things wrong with me at once. I have two cysts, kidney problems, and some kind of stress disorder. It's been nothing but hospitals and medicine for me the past couple days. I even had to pass up going to the zoo with my family today. But no matter, It's Friday!! 

I figured it's a great day to do a "Currently" post. 

Working on: Expanding my business by creating new cute little products to sell for y'all.

Lately I've been feeling like greeting cards {while I love them, and still will continue to make them} are not exactly what I want to be known for, I've been coming up with fun great ideas to add to my etsy shop. Also because my style is similar to other shops {like you can really do so much with greeting cards? I didn't even know you exist, so no I didn't copy you.} I'm going to be true to myself and try to branch out a little more. 

Listening to: Clarity- Zedd (ft. Foxes)

I've been completely obsessed with this song for like a week now. It's been on repeat and blasting through my record player speakers. Just the lyrics alone are amazing and completely relatable, and the beat makes it so much better. 

Drinking: blk water {lots and lots of h20}

I have dehydration problems and I know I need to drink a lot of water all the time. I love the blk water. It's alkaline fulvic trace mineral infused water to make the color of the water black. I just like it, kay. 

Excited for: Looking for a place to move out to and decorate. 

With my health the way it is, I have to stay where I currently am for a bit longer. Also the fact that I'm so stressed out all the time is making me ill, I realized I need to do what I've wanted to do since I got here, even if it is only for a short period of time. So I've been looking around for little apartments for Madalyn and I. And if you know me, I'm going to be decorating that place up as soon as I move in! And I love thrift shopping, so I'm really kinda pumped to get started. 

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